Ethash: Added support for forced hash reporting of the ethash pool (see -Eth_hash_report). General: Added temporary memory limits (stop / resume), see -Mem_temp_limit and -mem_temp_resume. General: Fixed some fan control issues in Windows, mainly for Big Navi GPUs. See the section in -help and CLOCKS_VOLTAGE_CONTROL.txt. General: Added Windows clock / voltage / built-in timing control (beta feature). General: Improved enabling Windows Compute mode with auto-elevation (with -uac) and GPU restart. General: Fixed not working fan control for Navis in some driver versions. NOTE: HBCC must be DISABLED for all Vegas. General: Fixed support for Radeon VII in latest win drivers. Autolykos2: added support for high scores and displaying the difficulty of sending. Firopow / kawpow: Minor hashrate improvements, mainly by choosing a full default GPU tune and adding a micro-tuning mechanism for the Polaris GPU (see new argument -prog_micro_tune).
Firopow / kawpow: Rewrote the tuning guide (see KAWPOW_FIROPOW_TUNING.txt). Before the fork, only testnet mining is available, see Start_firo_testnet.sh/bat. Firopow: Added a new algorithm for the upcoming Firo fork (see Start_firo.sh/bat). See the updated -help section about the -o argument for how to force the SNI hostname to be sent.
This makes it easier to run tunnels for TLS / SSL ports on public pools.
Advanced SSL Usage: Changed the default SSL behavior to not provide SNI hostname during handshake. Ethash / progpow: Split ethash and progpow algorithms into separate binaries, mainly for some Vegas that encountered stability issues when moving from 0.8.5 to 0.8.6. Firopow / MTP: Added synthetic algorithm mtp_firopow, which will use correct algorithm based on system time and disable miner during Firo fork on October 26th. And also most of the popular forks of kryptonite (haven, bittube, conceal) and some other coins. In total, 25 crypto protocols are supported, including MTP, Cuckarood29 and Cuckatoo31. XT series graphics cards can only work on ethash, kawpow and nimiq algorithms. The TeamRedMiner is only intended for graphics cards manufactured by AMD.